The Mystery Behind “We Two Ours One” on the Backside of Lorries

If you’ve ever been on the road in India, you’ve likely seen the phrase “We Two Ours One” painted on the back of lorries. This seemingly cryptic message has puzzled many a traveler, leading to a myriad of interpretations and theories. However, the phrase is not as mysterious as it may seem at first glance. It is, in fact, a simple and direct message promoting family planning and population control in India.

The Origin of “We Two Ours One”

The phrase “We Two Ours One” is part of a government initiative that started in the 1950s to promote family planning in India. The government, recognizing the need to control the rapidly growing population, launched a campaign to encourage couples to have only one child. The phrase was coined as a catchy and easy-to-remember slogan to convey this message.

Why is it Written on Lorries?

The decision to paint this message on lorries was a strategic one. Lorries are a common sight on Indian roads, traveling long distances and passing through numerous towns and villages. By painting the message on the back of these vehicles, the government ensured that it would be seen by a large number of people. This method of spreading awareness is not only cost-effective but also has a wide reach.

Impact of the Message

While it’s difficult to measure the direct impact of the “We Two Ours One” campaign, it has undoubtedly played a role in raising awareness about family planning in India. The phrase has become a part of the cultural lexicon, and even those who don’t understand its origin or purpose recognize it as a message promoting smaller families.

Controversies and Criticisms

Despite its widespread recognition, the “We Two Ours One” campaign has not been without controversy. Critics argue that it oversimplifies the complex issue of population control and places undue pressure on couples to limit their family size. There are also concerns that the campaign promotes a preference for male children, contributing to gender imbalance in the country.


While the phrase “We Two Ours One” may seem mysterious to those unfamiliar with its origin, it serves a crucial purpose in promoting family planning in India. Despite the controversies and criticisms, it remains a visible reminder of the country’s ongoing efforts to control its population growth.

So, the next time you see a lorry with “We Two Ours One” painted on the back, you’ll know the story behind this intriguing message.